
1963-64: SEA of India was established on 27th March 1963 to help and foster the development of Solvent Extraction Industry.

1970-71: The Association incorporated as a Company Limited by Guarantee u/s. 25 of the Companies Act, 1956.

1971-72: The Government of India appointed the Association as the Canalising Agency for export of De-oiled Rice Bran.

1983-84: The Ministry of Commerce, Govt. of India, appointed the Association to function as a ‘Monitoring Agency’ for export of certain De-oiled Meals, Compound Cattle & Poultry Feeds in addition to De-oiled Rice Bran.

1988-89: The Association celebrated the Silver Jubilee Year and a grand function was held on 23.9.1988 at Mumbai.

1989-90: Government of India appointed SEA as ‘Registering Authority’ for the commodities serviced by the Association.

1996-97: The Ministry of Agriculture, Government of India, granted recognition to the Association as NGO (Non Government Organisation) for various NOVOD Board programmes. The Association launched the Website in Sept. ‘ 97.

2002-03: A tripartite MoU was signed between SEA, COPA & NOPA to continue and extend the cooperation in area of like interests, a similar MoU was also signed between SEA & ASA to strengthen the relations between the two organisations.

2003-04: SEA is the first Association in Vegetable Oil & Oilseed sector in India to receive Quality Standard ISO 9001-2000 certification in 2004.

2004-05: 74th IASC World Congress of the International Association of Seed Crushers, U.K. was hosted jointly by SEA & COOIT from 17th to 20th January 2005, at Mumbai.

2009-10: A MoU was signed between SEA and PORAM (The Palm Oil Refiners Association of Malaysia) to extend the co-operation in area of like interests & to strengthen the relation between the two organizations.

2013-14: SEA along with Ricebran Oil producing countries viz. Japan, China, Thailand and Vietnam formed an International Association of Ricebran Oil (IARBO) to promote virtue of Ricebran Oil world over.

2017-18 :- ITC, Geneva (United Nation) has recognised SEA as “Best and Successful Model Association”.     


SEA Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with International Organisations

August 2003: SEA signed a Joint MoU with Natural Oilseed Process Association – USA and Canadian Oilseed Process Association – Canada to expand co-operation in area of common interest.

July 2009: MoU with American Soybean Association (New USSEC) for co-operation in area of soybean cultivate processing and export.

September 2010: MoU with the Palm Oil Refiners Association of Malaysia for promoting the development and use of Palm oil as a valuable commodity and market development support.

September 2016: MoU with Solidaridad Network Asia Limited (SNAL) for promoting the key sustainability issue in Vegetable oil and Oilseed sector.

September 2016: MoU with International Trade Centre (ITC), Geneva (a joint technical cooperation agency of the World Trade Organization and the United Nations) to establish frame work for sustainable Socio-economic development.

September 2016: MoU with Uganda Oilseeds Producers and Processors Association (UOSPA) and Tanzania Sunflower Processors Association (TASUPA) for promoting Sunflower seed cultivation and processing in their countries.

April 2017: MoU with Malaysian Palm Oil Council for close co-operation between the two organizations for promotion of Palm Oil usage.

June 2018 : MoU was signed between The Solvent Extractors Association (SEA) of India, the Indonesian Palm Oil Board (DMSI) and Solidaridad Network Asia Limited (SNAL) to promote Sustainable Palm Oil Production & Trade at Jakarta, Indonesia.